Invisible Walls
Invisible Walls
Photo by Zachary Nelson
Walls represent barriers, boundaries, resistance, strongholds, fortified cities and protection. They are usually imperishable.
There are times in our life that we build invisible walls to protect ourselves from hurt, rejection, and disappointment. We also do it to prevent further acts of verbal, emotional and physical abuse. We do it so quickly that we don’t even recognize what we are doing. I believe it’s a defense mechanism to take us to a place of safety, refuge or a safe haven.
I have discerned on various occasions when someone’s wall has gone up during a conversation. They believe that they are hiding and no one else knows how they are really feeling behind the wall. I can identify with them because I’ve done the very same thing during some challenging times in my life. It’s ironic that most people try to hide behind the wall, but it becomes noticeably clear when they are trying to conceal the matter. It’s the invisible wall that they believe cannot be penetrated or torn down. It's a protected space, but can cause more harm over a period of time if it's not dealt with.
It is important to get the help you need, which will allow you to move forward in your freedom from past untoward experiences. It can come through talking with a confidant, counselor, crying, laughter and going through trauma informed therapy. If we are not careful and don't get the help, it can be passed onto future generations. Whatever you need, go for it and receive the peace you deserve.
We’ve heard the story of the Jericho wall; (Joshua 5:1-27). It was a fortified city protected by a wall. God instructed Joshua, the armed guards and the priest to march around the city one time for six days while the priest blew their trumpets. They were further instructed to march around the city seven times on the seventh day. “When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city.”
It’s time to do some shouting, declaring and decreeing and you will see that the invisible walls that you have built will come down. I encourage you to tear down the invisible walls and walk in your healing.
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