

Have you ever wondered how some people are so spontaneous? They appear to be really quick on their feet and are ready to give an answer before you can wink an eye, or at the drop of a hat. They seem to know what to say just at the right time.

Spontaneity is another word for spontaneous, impromptu, someone who 'arises from a momentary impulse.' It is described mostly by doing something quickly without having a lot of thought behind it.

Some people may be spontaneous as it relates to going on a trip. They intend to stay for a few hours and then decide to stay longer or overnight. Some may decide to jump in the pool without being properly dressed in their bathing suit. Now that it truly spontaneous.

Some comedians are definitely spontaneous. They start telling jokes and it seems like they just get on a roll, telling one joke after another. They can stand on a stage and find an unsuspecting person in the audience and crack a joke that would cause the whole crowd to just bust out into laughter. They are so spontaneous that everyone sits in amazement and ask how did they come up with that joke so fast. They have such a uniqueness that not too many people have. They are just gifted and talented in the area of spontaneity.

Actors are spontaneous as well. They are given a script to learn their role and it comes so natural to them, it seems like it's in real life. They sometimes put their spin on the character and add impromptu words as if it's part of the script. That is really being a great actor when scenes are that was not in the original script. It somehow makes it feel so natural and not acting.

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New Beginnings



                                New Beginnings




Today is Saturday 1/2/2021 and yesterday was 1/1/21. It has a nice ring to it, but it encompasses so much more when you stop to think about it. We have embarked upon a new year, new day and no one knows what is actually going to happen from one minute to the next. We all must be hopeful and trust that our prayers and thoughts towards the future are wholistic. Our future endeavors affect us physiologically, sociologically, spiritually, and psychologically.


No matter how we envision our future, we must face each day with one thing in mind, it’s a new beginning. We can’t worry about what happened on yesterday, because it’s gone and tomorrow is not promised. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. There is a familiar phrase, carpe diem (seize the day). Take advantage of today and let’s see what we can accomplish in the next twenty-four hours. Another phrase that comes to mind is:




                              Yesterday is History,


                            Tomorrow is a Mystery,


                                  Today is a Gift,


                                                             That’s why we call it the Present




Matthew 6:33, statesBut seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” This verse is encouraging us to put God first in everything we do. All of the plans that we have been thinking about and working towards putting into action need to be submitted to God first. He will lead and guide us into the things that works best for our future, purpose and destiny. No matter what our ambitions are for the coming year we must “count up the cost” and “write the vision and make it plain.”  We must ask ourselves how my actions will affect my future, family and friendships.


When it’s all said and done we can truly say, “I did it God’s way and not my way.”            


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1459 Hits

Memoires of a Mother


               It is good to give honor, homage, and a shout out to our mothers. They are responsible for so many things, but they are never too busy to care for everyone in the household. They can meet everyone’s needs at the drop of a hat. They make you feel special as if you are the only one that matters, even though there maybe 7 or more just like you. They are the counselor, teacher, intercessor, chef, chauffeur, nurse, money manager, seamstress, custodian, maintenance person, and so much more.

They are known for their funny sayings, wit of humor and life lessons. These are the things I have heard them say. Please feel free to add your memories as well:


                       • Every good-bye is not gone

                       • Every shut eye is not asleep

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Having A Sound Mind


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Ask For Help

107132886--mom-and-dad-drawing-with-their-daughter-african-american-family-spending-time-together-at-home- Ask For Help


There comes a time in all of our lives that we need to reach out to others for help. Help means to "make it easier for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources."


We all have heard the phrase "no man is an island." This is a true statement, because we are not meant to be alone. God provides different people and resources to meet our needs. There is someone right now to come to your rescue and who is routing for you to reach your destiny. They are available to assist you just in the nick of time. We should never feel like we are walking through life alone. Even when you believe that you're at wits end and no one is in your corner or doesn't care about what you're going through, there is someone  to help you. Just look around you and identify someone that is willing, ready and waiting to help you along your journey through life. 


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